菲尼克斯电气集团1923年诞生于德国,是全球电气连接、电子接口、防雷及浪涌保护、电动汽车充换电技术、现场总线、工业以太网和工业自动化技术的市场领导者。中国菲尼克斯1993年扎根中国,现发展为拥有6家独资公司和1家合资公司的国家级地区总部。 菲尼克斯电气集团是工业4.0平台的核心成员之一,是工业4.0的发起者和引领者,是推动工业4.0的主力军。作为中德合作的典范和桥梁,中国菲尼克斯一直关注发展潮流并致力于工业4.0在中国的落地和发展。 中国菲尼克斯发布了“连接智能的世界Connecting Smart World”面向未来的智能战略,软硬结合、虚实相映;成立智能战略推进联盟,共建生态,携手共赢;并结合中国产业特点,提出实现工业4.0战略的四部曲方案: 生产制造自动化、流程管理数字化、企业信息网络化、智能制造云端化;依托菲尼克斯电气在工业4.0研究领域创新的自动化技术,为智能制造、智能机器人、智慧工厂、智慧城市等提供全方位的解决方案。 夯实工业文明,连接智能世界,助力中国制造2025,中国菲尼克斯将与业界同仁共同努力,推动工业4.0的愿景由一纸蓝图变为现实。
Introduction of Phoenix Contact ChinaFounded in 1923 in Germany, Phoenix Contact Group is the world's market leader in the fields of electrical engineering, electronics, surge protection, industrial Ethernet, solutions for charging/transducing electric vehicles, Fieldbus components and systems, and automation. Having taken root in China since 1993, Phoenix Contact China has now developed into a national level regional headquarter, with six wholly owned companies and one joint venture. As one of core members of Industry 4.0 platform, Phoenix Contact Group is the initiator and leader of Industry 4.0, as well as the main force promoting Industry 4.0. As a model of Sino-German cooperation and a bridge between both countries, Phoenix Contact China has been concerned about the development trend and is also committed to the implementation and development of Industry 4.0 in China. Phoenix Contact China has released a future-oriented Smart Strategy, called “Connecting Smart World”, incorporating both soft and hard powers, and both virtual and real worlds into the manufacturing field. It established the Smart Strategy Promotion Alliance, for joint ecological construction and win-win development. Also, taking into consideration the characteristics of China's industry, it proposed a four-stage scheme for achieving Industry 4.0 Strategy: automation of manufacturing, digitization of process management, networking of enterprise information, as well as cloud hosting of smart manufacturing. Relying on its innovative automation technology in the Industry 4.0 research domain, Phoenix Contact offers comprehensive solutions for smart manufacturing, intelligent robot, smart plant, smart city, etc. Consolidating Industrial Excellence, Connecting Smart World, and helping China Manufacturing 2025, Phoenix Contact China will work with all the industry colleagues, in a joint effort to transform the vision of Industry 4.0 from blueprint into reality.